Water, Stone, Vine...
Former sub-prefecture
During the 17th century, the Ursuline nuns, whose vocation included the education and instruction of children, extended their property to the other side of rue des Guérites, then known as rue du Collège, and built a boarding school. In 1861, the original buildings were demolished and replaced by this tall building, which housed the Sous-Préfecture until 1926. It is currently an annex of the Lycée Chevalier d'Éon.
Presentation and history of Tonnerre
Tonnerre first appeared in Roman times as Tornodurum, meaning "fortress". For the Lingons, it was the capital of the Pagus tornodorensis. Here, in the Armançon valley, the County of Tonnerre was created, and served as a crossing point between Paris and Dijon, at a time when the King of France had designs on the Duchy of Burgundy. [read more]
Tonnerre Town Hall
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