Water, Stone, Vine...
Émile Bernard House
(12,14 Rue Armand-Collin)
In 1914, painter Émile Bernard, a fervent supporter of the Pont-Aven school, acquired this house, at the foot of Saint-Pierre church, and set up his studio here. He decorated the private areas of his home, including the kitchen with garlands of flowers and fruit.
Presentation and history of Tonnerre
Tonnerre first appeared in Roman times as Tornodurum, meaning "fortress". For the Lingons, it was the capital of the Pagus tornodorensis. Here, in the Armançon valley, the County of Tonnerre was created, and served as a crossing point between Paris and Dijon, at a time when the King of France had designs on the Duchy of Burgundy. [read more]
Tonnerre Town Hall
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